Pierstone advised ClosePlan on its sale to People.ai, the leading revenue operations and intelligence (ROI) platform

20 Oct 2020

PIERSTONE advised ClosePlan, the Prague-based company behind the top-ranked app on Salesforce AppExchange, on its sale to People.ai, the leading revenue operations and intelligence (ROI) platform, which is based in San Francisco. The combined business aims at maximizing account executive productivity at a time when face-to-face interaction and coaching isn’t feasible.

The Pierstone team was led by Tomas Schollaert, supported by Teodora Drašković.

More details at: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/people-ai-acquires-closeplan-reinvent-130000513.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlua2VkaW4uY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAELpo3pvXxJdU2V4IFuS6zqWj86UUI8rXp-gSr8zwSC2UX30w29I-1pXle7oo4uIsTQiXcLhcvPmTDc-6odqNyh8jEpdySEtPu-UfZI0kJyBpdt44A1jyQiAmKaKhZpZ8t7xijzghj-SzbMCkm_NlPbBJwEnB3AQSJ_kHcoPyBcv